If you have reached this far, it is because you are visiting our website. In it you will find our telephone number to contact the best Barcelona escorts and luxury company ladies. The best way to make an appointment is through Whatsapp. In this way, everything remains rite and there are no misunderstandings when it comes to appointments. Yes, you can also call us by phone, of course. And, if you prefer, by email to info@levipescorts.com In any case, our receptionist will be happy to assist you and find you the most suitable Barcelona escort for your tastes and needs.
Is an escort a prostitute?
The term escort has come to us from the English language and its meaning is already documented in the 16th century. It is believed that it comes from the Latin term scortum, piel or leather, which was used as a metaphor to refer to the ladies who practiced prostitution. This term was refined when it passed to the Italian como scorta and from there to the French escort. In French, the term, despite being medieval, is still in use today. The Spanish word listen is derived from these terms. And that's what it means in our language. An escort is a lady who accompanies a gentleman and sells his company and his time.
When a gentleman goes to an event, a dinner or a fair and doesn't want to go alone, he goes to an escort agency to look for a model that meets a series of requirements. The most important of them is beauty, but languages, knowing how to be, elegance and sympathy are also important.
Barcelona has the largest concentration of escorts in Spain. And it is logical considering the geographical location of the city and its cosmopolitan character. As the city of Barcelona is an international tourist destination, the escorts choose this city as their headquarters for their activities.
The escorts of Le Vip Escorts are selected for their elegance and their bearing. They are perfect for going to a dinner party or a company reception.
If you ask if an escort is a prostitute, the answer is no. The escort service includes the lady's company and time. If it is true that once with her you can agree on other totally different services, that is between the client and the lady. Vip Escorts does not include sexual services in appointments.
When hiring an escort you are hiring elegance, you are hiring fun, you are hiring a unique experience. If you are looking for a lady who takes off her clothes when she sees you, a luxury escort is not what you need.
Barcelona escorts are the most beautiful in Europe. In our escort agency in Barcelona you will be able to select company ladies born in several countries around the world. But each and every one of them is perfect to make you feel like you're in paradise.
Our ladies prepare and are able to hold conversations on any current topic. Many are university graduates and others are professionals from various areas who combine their work with escort services. Most perform maid services for a while and then move on with their lives, jobs and families. But the experience gained in dealing with gentlemen from all over the world is a wealth that you will hardly be able to get in another job.
All these knowledge and learnings are noticeable in his dealings with the client, in his way of expressing himself, his way of walking and his bearing. They are not prostitutes, even though the term escort is associated with that profession. Profession for which we pay the utmost respect but which does not correspond to what Le Vip Escorts offers.
Don't stop calling us and feel in first person everything that we have told you here. As they say, don't let people tell you, live it.
Are escorts available 24 hours a day?
The Barcelona escort agency Le Vip Escorts is the agency in Barcelona with longer hours. But not all ladies work 24 hours a day. Most of our ladies combine these escort trips with trabajos, let's call them 'traditional'. That's why we always prefer that appointments be booked in advance. Some only work specific hours a day. Or, if it's a holiday or weekend, they might be out all day. It will depend on each circumstance. Each lady sets her schedule as she decides. Most departure agencies in Barcelona have more restricted hours, working until the early hours of the night. We keep our line open all night. Write to us and we will reply as soon as possible.
Can I trust the photos of the ladies?
Of course yes. Vip Escorts only shows real photos of the escorts who work with us. Absolutely all the photographs on our website have been taken by professional photographers and are 100% real. We know about the problem that exists with certain agencies that change photos of girls or send one girl for another. At Le Vip Escorts, honesty and discretion are our hallmarks. We believe that there is nothing worse than waiting for a particular young lady and opening the door to receive a different one. That's why we assure you that what you see is what will arrive at the appointment.
What do we offer the Barcelona escorts of Le Vip Escorts?
Accompaniment to events, company at dinners and parties, a friend so you don't feel alone... These and much more are the services offered by the Barcelona escorts of Le Vip Escorts. Contact us and our friendly operator will inform you what you can expect from our escort girls. We will find you the ideal escort.
Why choose escorts from Le Vip Escorts Barcelona?
All the escorts with whom Le Vip Escorts collaborates are selected following very strict protocols. We like to count in our agency with young ladies, with toned bodies, university degrees and broad general knowledge. There are many escorts in Barcelona. And there are also prostitutes. And no, they cannot be compared. The ladies who work in our agency are luxury escorts who offer escort services to select gentlemen. And that has a higher cost than the services of a prostitute. And although we understand that both worlds are socially confused, they could not be more different.
What is the average age of luxury escorts in Barcelona?
There are company ladies from the age of 18. But from Le Vip Escorts we do not recommend ladies under the age of 23. From that age the prefrontal cortex has reached its maturity and the ladies are more mature. We're not saying that 18-year-old Barcelona escorts don't know how to behave, far from it! But it is true that we understand that mature gentlemen require luxury companions who have a maturity that makes their company completely satisfactory.
Why an agency escort and not an independent escort?
The main reason is security. An agency offers security that an independent escort will never be able to offer. The number of the agency comes into play with each escort service and therefore, we offer quality, discretion, honesty and security. Think that, if an independent escort performs a service and there is a problem, the lady changes her number and continues in the market. On the other hand, the Barcelona escorts of Le Vip Escorts must meet quality standards and therefore the agency bets all its credibility with each client. Vip Escorts has an infrastructure behind it that no independent Barcelona escort could dream of.
Appointment in hotel or apartment for hours?
The escort service starts at your hotel or home. But what if I'm not staying in a hotel? nothing happens Our escorts can come to an apartment for hours. If you do not have a reservation, Le Vip Escorts Barcelona will manage the reservation for you so that you only have to come and receive our luxury escort there. There are several apartments for hours in the city of Barcelona. All of them have the approval of our Barcelona escort agency and have been selected for being luxury venues. Don't worry, no one will know about the reservation since we make it in the name of our luxury escort.
How long does the escort service of an escort last?
The minimum service of our ladies is 1 hour. From there, there is no maximum accompaniment time. In fact, the longer our lady's company lasts, the more economical it will be for her. The price per hour decreases as time increases. Our ladies are so fun and they are so prepared that all the time by their side will seem little to you. You can meet any of our Barcelona luxury escorts to enjoy dinner, go out for drinks afterwards and from there, the feeling with the lady will say... There is no limit.
Can I go out to dinner with one of the Barcelona escorts?
As we have already explained to you, our ladies are escorts who dedicate part of their time to accompany gentlemen who are looking for beautiful luxury escorts. They are not prostitutes, so they have no problem going out to dinner with any of the clients. Some have favorite restaurants or types of cuisine they adore. When you contact our agency, the receptionist will guide you in that regard. And, if you need it, we can make the reservation. Dining with one of our luxury escorts is an enriching and stimulating experience.
How far in advance should I book the appointment?
Our escorts and companions in Barcelona are young, beautiful and charming, but, like all women, they need a prudent time to put on their makeup, get ready and go to the appointment. Therefore, with a minimum of 1 hour you can book the appointment. In any case, if days before you know what appointment you want to make, you can book much more in advance. Le Vip Escorts manages the agendas of our luxury escorts and we can block the escort's schedule so that she is available whenever you want.
So now you know, with more advance you can find the perfect companion and make sure that she will be able to assist you. P>
Are there Covid-19 protocols?
Of course. Our escorts are regularly checked for SARS-CoV-2 and when they have symptoms or suspicions of contagion, they stop working and follow the protocols ordered by Health. The escort in question keeps a rigorous control and, once the escort has passed the relevant tests, she can return to work. If you need it and want it, you can ask the lady to take a test when you receive it. It will not be any problem to be able to demonstrate the health of our Barcelona escorts.
Can the escort go up to my room without being seen?
There is no problem in hotels in the city of Barcelona to receive visitors in their facilities. Our Barcelona escorts know how to discreetly go up to the floor where you are without attracting attention. In some cases the ladies are forced to go through reception to register, but it is a security requirement that in no case involves the client. In any case, hotel receptionists are more than used to receiving escorts who go to appointments with guests. And discretion is always guaranteed since, in this case, what would be put into question is the name of the hotel establishment. No hotel in the city wants to be known for not keeping the most rigorous of discretions. Our Barcelona escorts will arrive and leave without anyone knowing.
How do Barcelona escorts dress?
At Le Vip Escorts all our escorts follow a rigorous dress code as expected of a luxury escort. Elegant dresses, heels and jewelry are the basics of our escorts. But if you want a specific outfit, you can request it. Sometimes a long dress is overkill for a casual dinner and a more casual outfit will be more appropriate. Don't worry, when you talk to our telephone operator tell her what you would like and we will take care of communicating it to the Barcelona escort you have selected. She will try, as far as possible and the time with which the appointment is booked, to meet the clothing requirements that the client requests.
Can I take the lady shopping?
Some customers have the fancy, and the purchasing power, to take our ladies shopping. As if it were Pretty Woman, feeling Richard Gere is the illusion of some gentlemen who want to entertain our Barcelona escorts. Don't worry, all women love fashion. But be careful, certain luxury escorts only like the best and most expensive boutiques in Barcelona. Even so, you will enjoy every moment with the lady of the company.
Is it possible to pick up the Barcelona escort at her home?
As the first rule of the Le Vip Escorts agency, we have discretion. It is our hallmark. And that of the client is just as important as that of the escort. Therefore, although we know that you would like to show that you are a gentleman, our escort ladies have private lives that they want to preserve. Just as the client's privacy is paramount to us, ensuring that the luxury escort keeps her private sphere away from this work is essential. For this reason, the Barcelona escort will discreetly go to the agreed place for the appointment. You will not have to leave your hotel or home.
Is a long-term stay possible?
Our escorts are young girls with various occupations. But that does not prevent them from attending long-term appointments. If you want a 24-hour appointment or even several days, you just have to let us know in advance. These types of services require preparation and that the Barcelona escorts can organize their agendas to assist you. For this reason, a down payment is usually requested to ensure that the lady does not stop serving other clients and not at all.
Why Barcelona escorts?
Barcelona is a city with a very pleasant climate. The history of Barcelona is breathed in each of its streets. Stroll through the Gothic Quarter, shop at the best fashion brands on Paseo de Gracia or go to the Barceloneta beach. All these and many other factors make Barcelona an incomparable destination for tourism. For this reason, many ladies of luxury company choose Barcelona as their base of operations. Also many of our girls study and decide to choose universities in the city. The most beautiful luxury escorts in the world are in the city of Barcelona. When you come, call us and you can meet them.
Exclusive dedication?
The most interesting thing about Le Vip Escorts is that we manage the agendas of ladies who are not professionals dedicated exclusively to the Barcelona escort service. Many of them are university students. Others are models or graduates of various studios. All of them combine both occupations temporarily and precisely knowing that they are beautiful women that you can see on the street is what makes their company so interesting. But don't think they don't know what they're doing, they're all great companions. The Barcelona escorts from our agency are the best.
Pretty? No, precious.
A Barcelona luxury escort is a young girl with a worked body. All of them spend long hours working on their figure in the gym, thus achieving a physique that attracts attention wherever they go. In any case, there is no such thing as the perfect escort. It exists in the mind of every customer. Some will prefer tall and thin, others prefer a luxury companion with a more muscular physique, than not muscular. Blondes, brunettes, redheads... You just have to imagine it and we will find the perfect Barcelona escort. We have a wide catalog of ladies who collaborate with us and, among all of them, there is the perfect Barcelona escort for you.
Can I choose the nationality of the escort?
In Barcelona there are escorts of many nationalities, being Spanish and Latin the most abundant. And it is logical since the city of Barcelona has something that cities like Paris or London cannot offer, and that is the language. The language barrier is no longer a problem for the most beautiful women in Latin America. Venezuelan, Colombian or Cuban women arrive offering luxury escort services. Let's not lose sight of the Slavs, Russian, Polish or Ukrainian, they are incredibly beautiful. But don't be fooled, the most beautiful escort women in Barcelona are here now. Catalans and from the rest of the peninsula are the women who will take your breath away and make you want to hire their company. So when you call, do not hesitate, ask what nationalities they are and we will offer you the options you need.
Can you haggle the price?
Our ladies set rates for their time. They decide and the agency never forces them to charge one or another amount. Your time is worth money and therefore it would be very ugly to haggle. It is not elegant or classy. So if you want to be a gentleman don't haggle. All our Barcelona escorts comply with a strict code of conduct, dress code and general culture. For this reason we believe that their time is worth what they ask for. If you do not like the rates, we will be happy to point you to cheaper Barcelona escort agencies. The quality, obviously, will not be the same. You cannot buy a Ferrari for the price of a Seat, with all our respect for Seats and their owners.
What does Le Vip Escorts Barcelona think about prostitution?
At Le Vip Escorts we believe that anyone is free to do whatever they want with their body. This does not mean that we understand the problems with prostitution and human trafficking and we believe that it should be eradicated. Anyway, we are not a prostitution agency. Our ladies offer escort time. Sexual services are not included in the transaction. Now, denying that prostitution exists as a means of obtaining quick income (not easy) and saying that this is economic exploitation is absurd. Obviously, the current capitalist society forces us to generate income continuously and, from what has been seen lately, increasing over time. When someone decides to engage in prostitution out of economic necessity, and does so with their full consent, we do not understand that there is any problem. Isn't it exploitation to work from Monday to Saturday in a supermarket for the minimum wage? Fortunately our Barcelona escorts generate income with accompaniment and do not have these moral disquisitions. For this reason, and wanting to support the group of prostitutes, we also say #StopAbolicion.
Does the website www.levipescorts.com use Cookies?
Our website does not use cookies directly. We do not store customer data or the inquiries they make to us. But it is true that through tools offered by the giant Google, such as the Google Analytics tool, we obtain statistical data from our website. Through these tools we can know and consult data that is harmless to the client, such as the number of visits, their geographical origin, the time they spend on the web, the most consulted Barcelona escorts, etc. For all these reasons, we do not internally store names in cookies, or other compromising data of our clients. We are the most discreet and exclusive Barcelona escort agency. For Le Vip Escorts Barcelona, the privacy of our clients is paramount. We offer the best selection of luxury escorts that you can find in Barcelona with the greatest discretion.
Are you going to write me on Whatsapp once the appointment is over?
Le Vip Escorts Barcelona has been operating in the city of Barcelona for many years offering company of the highest level. We have clients whose relationship with the agency goes back many years. These clients have a very good relationship with our receptionist and, in some cases, have given us permission to speak directly to them whenever we want. Some are single or widowed. Be that as it may, they have no problem receiving our messages. But do not be afraid, if you are not one of these clients who explicitly authorizes us to do so, once the service ends we will not speak to you again until you contact us again. What's more, if you write to us and for some reason we don't answer you and it's been a long time since we received your message, we won't write to you. We will wait for you to talk to us again to answer you. Maybe you wrote to us because you had some free time before you got home and you've already arrived... You can rest easy, discretion is our main trait. Well, that and the most beautiful and fun Barcelona escorts.
Do the photos have photo retouching?
All the photos on the Le Vip Escorts website have been organized by the agency with a professional photographer. The ladies entrust us with photo sessions and we organize them with the best escort photographer in Barcelona. As we have already explained in previous questions, the ladies who collaborate with Le Vip have their occupations and perform luxury escort services at certain times. For this reason, they have classmates, co-workers, friends or relatives who do not have to know that they do this work. It's something bad? No, far from it, but society does not understand what a Barcelona escort is and can understand what it is not. So yes, our photos have photo retouching: removal of tattoos, body marks and/or piercings. The rest of what you see is 100% real. We do not enlarge or thin anyone. We do not soften the skins until they look like porcelain like other agencies do. We simply remove the distinctive features that can make them recognizable. By the way, when you see a photo with porcelain skin, don't trust the rest of what you see. Agency advice.
Why do I have to pay that amount for the taxi?
The ladies who work at the agency live scattered throughout the city of Barcelona. Some even live in nearby towns. By having certain rates, if they had to pay for transportation out of pocket and, at certain times of the day, the taxi would liquidate a very high percentage of their income. If you think that the amount is too high, keep in mind that the lady must attend the appointment and return home. That is, she uses two taxi services for an escort meeting. In addition, it must be taken into account that our ladies are dressed at night with heels and a dress. They can't take the subway dressed so elegantly. It would be a bit weird. Think about it... Other agencies do not charge that amount, but later the ladies ask to charge for extra services that we include. That should be valued by you.
Have you ever had a problem with a lady?
Our luxury escorts in Barcelona are ladies of the highest level. All of them are chosen among many others precisely because of their know-how and their distinction. It is not normal for a problem to happen with any of them. Certainly it can happen that there is a misunderstanding with one of our Barcelona escorts. In any case, if it happens, contact our operator and she will solve the disagreement. In all this time working we have not had any problem with any lady and we know that we will not have it. They are the best accompanying gentlemen. Don't worry because everything will be perfect on your date.
Do the ladies drink alcohol?
A lot happens on a date. Time passes faster than we would like since the company is perfect. Many of our clients want to start in a bar having a glass of wine with the lady. Alcohol helps to relax the atmosphere and the conversation to flow more naturally. Others prefer a stronger drink. If the date takes place in a nightclub, for example, a drink is normal while dancing... If this is your case, don't worry, ask us beforehand which ladies drink socially and which ones don't. Some of them are very methodical with their workouts and do not consume alcohol. Do not worry because our receptionist will kindly assist you and she will suggest Barcelona escorts according to what you have planned. And don't worry, they won't drink too much. They are all very clear about their limits and do not allow alcohol to go to their heads.
Can I ask the Barcelona escort to bring a drink?
It is always good to make an appointment in advance. Barcelona escorts prepare ahead of time and can get clothes that you particularly like or with which you have some kind of fixation. Nothing happens if the appointment is booked with little time. Generally, an hour or an hour and a half is enough for you to get ready, put on your makeup and go to the meeting place. But if the appointment is urgent, the accessories that the lady can bring are limited. If you are one of those who like to book in advance, you can request that the escort bring a bottle of drink. If you like wine, the lady can bring a good red or white. If you are one of those who prefer something more intense, a good whiskey would be fine too. There is no problem knowing it in advance. Ask for what you need and the lady will buy it for you. But… What happens if I want something during the appointment and I can't request it at the hotel? Don't worry. The agency has a driver who can look for what you need and buy it for you as long as they are long services, at least 4 hours. You just imagine it and we make it come true.
Are you closed on weekends and/or holidays?
No, we do not close on weekends. Neither are holidays. The Le Vip Escorts Barcelona agency is open 24 hours a day, 365
days of the year. But that does not mean that all the luxury escorts in Barcelona are available. Obviously there are more things in life
that the work. For everyone! So no matter how much we want, it is impossible to offer all the Barcelona escorts that collaborate with the Le Vip Escorts Barcelona agency 24 hours a day, every day of the year. Even so, we are always available to answer your call and offer you the various options of Barcelona escorts. Call us and our receptionist will offer you many luxury escorts any day at any time. If what you want is a specific Barcelona escort, we advise you to call us in advance. If you are engrossed with a specific girl, call us in advance and we will organize the ideal meeting for you with the perfect companion. Write us whenever you want. We are always open for you. Being open at any time is what makes us the best Barcelona escort agency.
Can I book all night and then stay less time?
Our ladies are the best Barcelona escorts and as such they have quite full agendas. When you book a full-night escort service or make a 4-hour reservation, for example, our luxury escorts block their schedules for you. clients call us
without stopping for reservations with our Barcelona escorts so, if they reserve their time for you, they are no longer available to other gentlemen. As we have already discussed before, our Barcelona escorts do not have many hours a day to allocate to their work as a luxury escort. For all this, when one of them goes to a 12-hour appointment, for example, she charges the full service at the beginning of the meeting. In this way we make sure that the reservation is complete. But if the half-service customer wants to end the match, no problem. You just have to let us know. But keep in mind that we can neither charge you the same hours nor can we refund the proportional part of the amount since the lady has stopped attending other services to attend to you. In any case, we are not worried because we know that you will not want our Barcelona escort to leave. In fact, what we hope is that you want more time with her. You will see.
Am I reimbursed for the proportional part of the time that I am not with the Barcelona escort?
As we have already discussed, long-term services have a lower cost per hour. So, if you choose a 12-hour service, you pay for the escort hours at a lower amount than if you choose a 3-hour service. So, if you are in a long service and you want the lady to leave and you want part of the amount to be paid to you, keep in mind that the pricing will change and you will pay the amount of time per hour. We believe that it is simple to understand and perfectly understandable. Also, keep in mind that by reserving their time with you, our Barcelona escort has stopped attending other services that would have paid a higher amount per hour, so be a gentleman and don't be stingy with them.
How will the luxury escort dress for the date?
The way a person dresses shows a lot about their way of being. A more extroverted Barcelona escort will wear more colorful and cheerful clothes.
On the contrary, if the companion is more withdrawn, she will wear darker colors and her style will be more restrained. Be that as it may, our escorts
Barcelona are the most discreet girls you can imagine. You do not have to worry because no one will be able to imagine that the beautiful woman who accompanies you is a luxury companion. They always dress elegantly and discreetly. It does not matter the event or the type of appointment, they will always be perfect. But if what you want is for them to wear a special type of clothing, with time, you can request it. There are gentlemen who like girls in long evening dresses. Others prefer more modern girls with skinny jeans and heels. Or maybe your appointment is to share a workout in a gym and you want a Barcelona escort in sportswear. You only have to request it in time and we will transfer the request to the girl. Normal clothing requests are included in the company's price, of course. It does not pose any kind of problem. Now, if you want the escort to come with a feather anorak in the middle of August, the same thing is requested for an extra payment...
Can I give the Barcelona escort a present?
Do you remember when Three Kings Day would arrive and you would wake up with only one thought in your head? What could Melchor, Gaspar or
Balthazar? Or on your birthday, when you came home from school and your mother gave you your gift for your birthday... Well, that same illusion is what any of our Barcelona escorts feels when one of the select gentlemen who are our clients gives them a present. A perfume,
some shoes or a small jewel. They are all beautiful presents that any woman will always appreciate. And if it is a Barcelona escort, even more. So
If you don't know what you can give her and you want to impress our Barcelona escort, don't hesitate. She talks to our receptionist and she
will inform and guide. She knows her favorite perfumes, her foot size or her measurements. So now you know, you have a friend who will tell you what they prefer.
How to find out about a specific Barcelona escort?
Having an appointment with an escort is more than just a formality. For many clients, meeting an escort in Barcelona is a ceremony that begins with
visiting the website www.levipescorts.com, the selection of the Barcelona escort that best suits our tastes etc. When you enter the web you will see many luxury escorts in Barcelona. Each of them has a specific profile and some
features. In the end, possibly, your head will implode from seeing so many beautiful women. This can block you and make you not be able to
choose. Too much information is misinformation. And we know it. That is why we have receptionists who will help you find out all the information about
the Barcelona escort that does not appear on the web and you want to know. And it is logical that you want to know them because the lady's time has a high cost. You can ask whatever you want. We will always answer you truthfully and advise you the best so that your date is unforgettable.
Will the receptionist tell me the truth about luxury escorts in Barcelona?
The answer is yes. Always yes. At the Le Vip Escorts Barcelona agency we have two unbreakable rules, privacy and honesty. So
whenever you ask our receptionist a question, she will answer you truthfully. And that's why we believe that we don't need to lie so that
choose to have an appointment with one of our Barcelona escorts. We know that many agencies lie with the photos, lie with the ladies and lie
with certain aspects about the escorts so that you choose to have an appointment with them. But it is not necessary when you only collaborate with the best Barcelona escorts. If you ask us to recommend a luxury companion and you want certain characteristics, we will only offer you the ladies that meet what you want. If you think about it, with our photos that do not have any kind of retouching (beyond removing tattoos and skin tags) and always giving you the recommendation that best suits your tastes, the date you want will always be perfect.
Can I meet an older Barcelona escort?
Age is a degree. Or so they always say. But in this case, all our Barcelona escorts are young and fun girls. But that doesn't mean they're not ready. Unlike. They are, and a lot. They dedicate a large part of their day to learning different subjects in order to be the luxury companions that are expected of them. As the ad said, young, although well prepared.
Even so, we understand that there are gentlemen who prefer older ladies since they see in them a Barcelona escort more in line with their age. Middle-aged gentlemen who don't want to go out to dinner with a too young Barcelona escort because they don't want to seem like a father with their daughter... it's normal. The myth of Lolita. Nothing happens, don't worry. Within the extensive catalog of luxury escorts managed by Le Vip Escorts Barcelona, we also collaborate with an older lady who will make her appointment an unforgettable moment. Older means more experience and higher class. If you want to meet your Mrs. Robinson, we are also in a position to advise you of a Barcelona escort that meets your requirements. Our goal is that everything always goes as the client wishes.
Can I book with two luxury companions at the same time?
Two is company and three is a crowd. Or not. That depends on how you see it. And we see it as an unforgettable experience, a gratifying experience no matter where you look at it. The truth is that something recurring. You are not the only one. Many gentlemen have the fantasy of feeling accompanied by two beautiful and young Barcelona escorts. And the truth is that we understand it perfectly. The illusion of having two beautiful companions, one on each side, to walk all three holding onto each other to be able to talk to them is a "must" for any man. One with golden hair, beautiful sun-kissed hair and the other with long dark hair, a “rip and tear” brunette. One tall and one short. One… it doesn't matter. Feel irresistible in the purest James Bond style. In the end, it is simply about knowing that you are cared for at any time and place. An escort is a companion who spends her time with you and gives you her friendship, her fun and her joy. So imagine what it would be like to feel that multiplied by two. It would not be an arithmetic progression. The thing levels up geometrically. Do not forget to try the duo experience with two of our beautiful Barcelona escorts.
Do all Barcelona escorts provide the same services?
Barcelona escorts are charming ladies. That is undeniable. There are many escorts. Each one of them has a curriculum and vital experiences. All of them, added to their origin, their education and many other factors make each lady unique. Starting from that base, it is understandable that not all the ladies perform the same services. What is clear is that any of them has enough resources so that her time by your side is an experience you will never forget. Our Barcelona escort service provides the company you need to have a good time chatting, having a drink or dancing in a club. Apart from that, some ladies perform extra services that you must deal with them directly when you have them in front of you. They establish their rates and their times. We are just a bridge to get in touch. So now you know, if you want to know what else any of our Barcelona escorts can offer you, call our receptionist and she will organize the meeting for you. From there... it's up to you.
Why is escort time so expensive?
Don Francisco de Quevedo said that “only the fool confuses value and price”. When you call our Barcelona escort agency you are not organizing a meeting with a young and nice lady, you are organizing a life experience. A dream date with a beautiful woman and for which many people would pay much more than €200. In the time that we are and with prices constantly rising, our Barcelona escorts have been with the same rate for some time. This rate is chosen by each lady freely and, believe me, it is much less than it is worth. Your time is gold. But they don't charge it as such. The time of an escort is a time of illusion, a time of fun and a time of fantasy. It is not quantified in euros because it is much more than just a company.
Many clients offer Barcelona escorts more than they ask for per hour. And it is logical because once you deal with them, you realize that the escorts that collaborate with us are the best luxury escorts in the city of Barcelona.
Is your time expensive? We believe not. There are agencies with escorts for a much higher price per hour, but paying more does not guarantee a better service. We select the ladies for their qualities and profiles, so we know that when their time with you is over, you are going to write to us to thank us for the recommendation.
Why are most of the escorts Spanish?
Barcelona is a great city. An open and cosmopolitan city that attracts tourism from all over the world. More than twenty million overnight stays a year confirm it as one of the most desired destinations for citizens from all over the world. This city is a melting pot of nationalities that pour their cultures of origin into its streets and shops.
All this makes many escorts come to Barcelona to work. There are agencies specialized in escorts from Eastern Europe. Others only work with Latina women. But Spanish escorts are the most in demand of all.
By having the same culture of origin and the same cultural references, the relationship with our Spanish Barcelona escorts is more fluid and comfortable. This does not mean that Le Vip Escorts Barcelona does not collaborate with ladies from other countries: Colombia, Russia, Cuba, Italy... all of them are perfect to collaborate with us.
Even so, the Spanish Barcelona escorts are the ones our clients request the most. Both domestic and foreign.